Jesus loves immeasurably. Love Him completely. Live life abundantly.
Welcome Home
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Abundant Life Church online. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to get to know you. You will find us an extremely friendly and welcoming church. The ministry here is dynamic, Spirit-led, and relevant for your life. You are invited!
Our Heartbeat
We are a church family that loves God and loves people, and we love people enough to lead them to a true and meaningful relationship with Him. Our five purposes for existing are WORSHIP - DISCIPLESHIP - FELLOWSHIP - SERVICE - EVANGELISM. We want people to BELONG (to God and to our family), BELIEVE (put their faith in Jesus CHrist), BECOME (His follower), and then BEHAVE (as a person transformed by Jesus), in that order.
Our church offers a blend of both traditional and contemporary styles of music in worship, plus you can also expect messages that are inspiring and challenging, intended to encourage you to love Jesus completely and live your life abundantly!
Come as you are!
Join us this Sunday!
Sunday Morning:
9:00 AM - Prayer
10:00 AM - Sunday School
10:45 AM - Worship Service
10:45 AM - Salt & Light Kids
Wednesday Evening Activities:
6:00 PM - Dinner (FREE!)
7:00 PM - Adult Bible Study
7:00 PM - Youth and Kids
Childcare provided for all services.